About Us

As a volunteer at sustainability committee in our city, I was part of the Solarize campaign in 2018, an initiative to get homes in our city to install solar panels. The frustration that I felt was that there was no way to know how much of an impact our initiative had. Of course, we had a count of the homes who had committed to installing panels but we had no way to know how much of a difference that was having on our city’s emissions or even our city’s electricity consumption. Being part of the Paris agreement, US together with more than 190 countries is a signatory, I was surprised how the cities aren’t monitoring and reporting their progress to their targets.


In May 2023, getting a break from my tech job, I decided to work on addressing this gap. After years of having worked at large tech companies and tech startups, I believe strongly that the way to solve a problem is through data – better data insights produces better strategies & policies leading to more impactful action. I, together with a group of similarly motivated individuals, with decades of experience working as and with executives, policy makers, sustainability experts, are working towards this common mission – Transform relevant climate data into actionable insights through Sustainability Markers dashboards.


We are the Sustainability Markers Group – SMG.