Sustainability Markers Group

Transforming Climate Data for local governments and city officials into Actionable Insight

You can’t manage what you can’t measure

Our mission is to provide governments and city officials with actionable dashboards on critical sustainability markers to help achieve their Green House Gasses (GHG) reduction targets. With SMG’s common data platform and intuitive visualizations, decision-makers can easily focus on impactful markers for their communities.

You can’t cut what you can’t count

GHG calculations are complex, use a lot of assumptions and are out of date when published. These calculations can take months to complete and are very costly. Instead, we focus on key sustainability markers like Transportation, Energy consumption, etc. which are the main cause of GHG. With our common data platform, the dashboards are automatically updated and are only as old as the data.

Use data to make meaningful impact

Sustainability Markers Group specializes in de-mystifying climate-related data by creating intuitive and appealing dashboards on specific sustainability markers that are critical for your community. Think what impact you can have with Actionable, Accurate and Up-to-date information.